Nagoya University Program for Leading Graduate Schools:
Graduate program for real-world data circulation leaders

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Past Event Reports

Workshop 2018.10.22

October Plenary Meeting Announcement

In the October Plenary Meeting, students reported on their research internships.

DateMonday, October 22th, 2018 17:00-20:00
PlaceNagoya University Higashiyama Campus, IB West Tower 6F, Leaders Studio

Here is a short summary of the topic discussed:

Research Internships

In a research internship, students visit a business and engage in a research project. There, they can experience the structure and management of enterprise research facilities. This time, five students reported on their research internships.

Next to detailed research results, the students also reported on the experiences and knowledge gained, in retrospect of their reasons for participating the research internships. Especially the work on solving real world problems, which occur in in-production services, made an impact on multiple students. Furthermore, some students worked on topics which were unrelated to their previous research, expanding their knowledge to a new field of research.

Here is an overview of every internship topic presented:

StudentShimeng Peng (3rd inaugural class, Graduate School of Informatics)
PlaceNTT Communication Science Laboratories
ThemeEvaluating Scrum in Rugby
StudentWenbin Zhou (3rd inaugural class,Graduate School of Informatics)
PlaceNTT Basic Research Laboratories
ThemeEvaluating the performance of integer factorization algorithms in quantum computing
StudentKoichi Miyazaki (3rd inaugural class,Graduate School of Informatics)
PlaceNTT Communication Science Laboratories
ThemeDeveloping technologies for embedding acoustic features in live versions of music
StudentMasahiro Shimaoka (2nd inaugural class,Graduate School of Engineering)
ThemeEvaluating and developing motor plans for hybrid and electronic cars
StudentBao Trung Chu (1st inaugural class,Graduate School of Information Science)
PlaceDENSO Corporation
ThemeDeveloping new technologies to improve the performance of LiDAR

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