Nagoya University Program for Leading Graduate Schools:
Graduate program for real-world data circulation leaders

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Past Event Reports

Workshop 2021.04.27

April Plenary Meeting Announcement

At the Plenary Meeting in April, Professor Kazuya Takeda gave a greeting for the new year, Professor Victor MUHANDIKI gave a farewell greeting. Professor Tsutsui, who newly joined the program, gave an inauguration greeting, and 8th gen students introduced themselves. At last, the special project "Challenge to Signate" was held.

DateTuesday, April 27, 2021 17: 30-20: 00
Locationonline (zoom)

The following is a brief summary of the contents of the Plenary Meeting.

Greetings for the new year, farewell and inauguration

At the beginning of the meeting, Professor Kazuya Takeda, Coordinator of the Graduate Program for Real-World Data Circulation Leaders, stated his hopes for the RWDC students in 2021. After that, Dr. Victor MUHANDIKI, who retired from the program, gave a farewell greeting. Dr. Victor MUHANDIKI shared the experience and insights gained from this program. He also expressed his hopes for the future of RWDC students. Finally, Dr. Tsutsui, a new member of this program, gave an inauguration greeting.

Self-introduction of 8th gen students

There are two 8th gen students entered this year. Shiori Nihei, a first-year master's student at the Graduate School of Informatics, and Xu Chenlu, a second-year master's student at the Graduate School of Engineering. They introduced themselves. In the self-introduction, they described their researches, their motivations for this program, and their aspirations in this program.

Special event "Challenge to Signate"

This project is a special project organized by three RWDC students. The content is for students to form a team and challenge the competitions at Signate. The purpose of this project is to improve students' leadership and machine learning abilities through this project. First, Etsutaro Kamino, a 4th generation student, introduced what "Signate" is and then explained the requirements for this project. Next, the students and mentors were divided into two groups and had a hot discussion about which competition their group would challenge. Finally, the leaders of both groups announced the themes that their group would challenge.

Group A
PresentersShiori Nihei (8th generation student, Graduate School of Informatics)
ThemeAnalyzing foreign visitors to Japan!
Group B
PresenterXiaoyu Chen (7th generation student, Graduate School of Engineering)
ThemeThe relationship between employee happiness and job turnover

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