Nagoya University Program for Leading Graduate Schools:
Graduate program for real-world data circulation leaders

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Meet the Students

Tomoki Hayashi

Department of Media Science, Graduate School of Information Science

After graduating from Gojo High School, Aichi, I became a student in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Information Engineering, School of Engineering, Nagoya University.

I was inspired by the passion of Prof. Kazuya Takeda and took a keen interest in audio signal processing. Today, I am honored to belong to the Takeda laboratory.


My research focuses on the recognition of activities of daily living (ADL). The recent proliferation of smartphones and wearable devices has allowed audio and acceleration signals to be sensed. I use these signals and a machine learning method to try to build a system that automatically recognizes human ADL.


1. 林 知樹,北岡教英,武田一哉, "深層学習を用いた音声特徴量の年齢の変動に対する頑健性の調査", 日本音響学会2014年秋季研究発表会講演論文集, 1-R-9, pp.77-80, Sep, 2014.

2. Tomoki Hayashi, Chiyomi Miyajima, Takanori Nishino, Kazuya Takeda, "Investigating the Robustness of Deep BottleneckFeatures for Recognizing Speech of Speakers of Various Ages", FORUM ACUSTICUM 2014, Sep, 2014.

3. Norihide kitaoka, Tomoki Hayashi, Kazuya Takeda, "Noisy speech recognition using blind spatial subtraction array technique and deep bottleneck features," APSIPA 2014, Dec, 2014.


1. 日本音響学会 2014年 秋季研究発表会 学生優秀発表者賞 受賞


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