Nagoya University Program for Leading Graduate Schools:
Graduate program for real-world data circulation leaders

JUN-KAN Stream

Top >  Meet the Students > Third Inaugural Class > Wenbin Zhou

Meet the Students

Wenbin Zhou

Department of Mathematical Informatics, Graduate School of Informatics
Mathematical Modeling and Analysis Group
Francesco Buscemi Laboratory
Third year doctoral student

After one year of looking for the passion of my future during working, I finally decide to change to study computer science from chemistry, which I had studied for 4 years. Technology is changing the world. Every day there are some new technologies coming out. In order to catch up the world trending, I have to be knowledgeably prepared well. So I decided to get my Ph.D. in computer science. Having an interest in data science, I joined the RWDC. In the field of Quantum technology, I also want to contribute as much as I can as a researcher during my research life.


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