Nagoya University Program for Leading Graduate Schools:
Graduate program for real-world data circulation leaders

JUN-KAN Stream

Top >  Meet the Students > Fourth Inaugual Class > Richard Rodrigues de Toledo Junior

Meet the Students

Richard Rodrigues de Toledo Junior

Department of Computing and Software Systems, Graduate School of Informatics

I came to Japan interested in studying artificial intelligence. But in my first year in Japan, I studied in the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies's 1 year intensive Japanese course. Then I entered in the Nagoya Institute of Technology for studying Computer Science. Specially in my third year as a bachelor student, I became interested in machine learning and its applications. With that, my bachelor thesis is a study of a method of optimizing kernel parameter in a specific setting of machine learning.
After graduating, I moved to Nagoya University as a master student in Kanamori laboratory for researching in the theoretical machine learning field. Also, I got accepted in the Nagoya University's RWDC leading program selection. Being part of leading program and Kanamori laboratory stimulates my intellect in ways that would surprise my younger self.


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