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HU Sheng

情報科学研究科 社会システム情報学専攻

Currently I am a first-year Master student in the Department of Systems and Social Infomatics, Nagoya University under the supervision of A/Prof. Chuan Xiao and sub-supervisor Prof. Yoshiharu Ishikawa in the Database Group.

Location-aware error-tolerant query autocompletion

Autocompletion lets users type a query correctly and efficiently. Due to its remarkable performance, it has been adopted in many applications. For example, search engines like Google can give related keyword suggestions and can show top-ranked search options as a user is typing a query. Other applications include command shells, desktop search, software development environments (IDE), and mobile applications. However, autocompletion is limited by typing errors, especially for mobile devices where typing accurately is mundane. Developing a location-aware and error-tolerant query autocompletion would greatly improve performance. My research aims to build a compact index (trie) as a solution to overcome query runtime limitations.

