Nagoya University Program for Leading Graduate Schools:
Graduate program for real-world data circulation leaders

JUN-KAN Stream

Top >  Meet the Students > First Inaugural Class > Yuki Nagae

Meet the Students

Yuki Nagae

Department of Crystalline Materials Science, Graduate School of Engineering
Nanostructure Device Engineering Course
Zaima Laboratory
Third year doctoral student

After graduating from Kikuzato High School, Nagoya in 2010, I joined the Department of Engineering, Nagoya University. In 2014, I graduate with a degree in applied physics.

When I was five, my mother gave me a book about Greek Myths, which inspired my passion for space. Although I had initially dreamed of becoming an astronomer, I struggled to think about the true meaning of “peace” after witnessing 9-11 in real-time. Thus, I decided to become an engineer because I want to live in a world where people cooperate with each other beyond the boundaries of nationality, religion, and political beliefs. Currently, I am devising a way to connect my semiconductor research to benefit people in a practical manner.

In my spare time, I enjoy drinking (making) coffee, drawing, and swimming. I also have a unique talent; I can flicker my ears.


Information devices such as smart phones and PCs are ubiquitous in these days. They have been incorporated into TVs, automobiles, and even household appliances. These technologies of an advanced information society are based on semiconductor research; that is, they have been developed due to the evolution of the integrated circuit (IC).

An IC is an aggregation structure of very tiny switches, MOSFET (metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistor). To advance performance, there are two approaches: accumulation and speeding up. My research, which focuses on the former, aims to achieve new materials that realize a high career mobility using first-principles calculations to predict material properties. Ultimately, I hope to develop new materials or structures for solar cells, lasers, etc.


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